Upcoming Events



Shofar Factory

Join us to create your very own shofar, in preparation for the High Holidays! A hands-on, authentic and educational workshop!

The event is FREE. $10 per shofar. Please RSVP to reserve your shofar.

When: Sunday, September 22, 4:00pm

Where: 3500 Hyridge Dr

SEP 25-26

Scribe in Person

Sofer-Scribe In Person Experience

  • Watch a visiting scribe in action!
  • Get your own Tefillin/Mezuza scrolls checked.
  • Purchase new mezuzot for your home.

Wednesday, September 25 – Thursday 26 
Where: 3500 Hyridge Dr.


Join High Holidays

High Holiday Schedule and Sign Up

Welcome to High Holiday services at Chabad of Austin!

Our services are led in English, and are refreshingly casual and easy to follow. The prayers and songs are recited in both English and Hebrew and all are active participants in the service.

At Chabad of Austin, everyone feels at home and welcome. No labels. No differences. Chabad is a home for every kind of Jew. So join us for the most inspiring and meaningful High Holiday services.

Location: Services and events will be held at the central Chabad location, at 3500 Hyridge Drive (unless otherwise noted).

Chabad of Austin’s open door, inclusive spirit, and community outreach is entirely made possible through the generous friends and supporters across the community.

There is no membership required for services, and there are no ticket fees. This is only made possible by generous donors.

During the High Holiday season, it is customary to give charity in the merit of having a good year, and in the memory of loved ones. If you are in a position to help, please consider a High Holiday gift to help this continue, stronger and greater! Please consider joining the Chai Society, a group of donors who invest monthly in a stable financial foundation for this community. 

Thank you!


Shofar at the Pond

Shofar at the Pond 2024

Join us for a meaningful shofar blowing and Tashlich experience!

*Door prize for all kids!*

Free admission!

Location: Arboretum Duck Pond.

Date/Time: Thursday, October 3, 5:30pm 

Note: If you RSVP’ed for this event on the High Holiday form, no need to RSVP again. To RSVP for the rest of the High Holidays, please click here ChabadAustin.com/HighHolidays


Worrier to Warrior: Jewish Secrets to Feeling Good However You Feel

Discover a refreshing approach to overcoming negativity and embracing joy in this six week course from the Jewish Learning Institute.

Evening session (includes refreshments): Six Sessions, Tuesday evenings |May 6-June 17 | 7:30pm-9:00pm.

Lunch session (includes lunch): Six sessions, Wednesday afternoons | May 7-June 18 | 11:30am-1:00pm 

Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr


One Wow Moment

One Wow Moment: New Monthly Course for Women

How do we empower ourselves to make courageous and meaningful decisions? The Rosh Chodesh Society’s Course, One Wow Moment, takes a scholarly peek at pivotal moments of personal decision within the lives of six women of biblical fame, and investigates the internal strengths that propelled these women forward.

Lecturer: Menucha Levertov
 Monthly on Wednesdays, starting Nov 20
Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr



Weekly – Chassidic Texts

Discover the profound teachings of Chassidic philosophy through a weekly exploration of Tanya. Delve into its timeless wisdom and uncover layers of spiritual insight that can transform your perspective on life.

When: Sundays 8:00pm-9:00pm
Lecturer: Rabbi Yosef Levertov
Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr.



Weekly – Talmud Class

Join us for a weekly deep dive into the Talmud, where we unravel its complexities and extract valuable lessons that remain relevant today. Engage in intellectually stimulating discussions that enhance your understanding of Jewish law and philosophy.

Lecturer: Rabbi Yosef Levertov
Mondays, 7:30pm-8:30pm
Where: Chabad of Austin, 3500 Hyridge Dr

Join Class
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