Chabad Partners

Chabad Partners

Our Chabad Partners play a crucial role in enabling us to carry out our mission effectively. As yearly donors, they provide significant support, helping us expand our outreach and enhance our services throughout the year. As a token of appreciation, your generosity will be acknowledged on the prestigious Partnership Wall at Chabad.

Partnership Levels:

How to Become a Chabad Partner

Becoming a Chabad Partner is a wonderful way to express your dedication to Chabad’s vision and mission. Schedule a meeting with Rabbi Levi Levertov to explore Chabad’s fiscal plan and budget. Select the partnership level that aligns with your philanthropic goals, and together, we can continue to inspire and uplift our community.

To learn more about either of these programs or to set up a meeting with Rabbi Levi Levertov, please reach at 512-584-1742 or fill out the contact form. We value your involvement and support in making Chabad a beacon of hope for all.

Chabad Partners are individuals who fuel Jewish life in Austin by pledging a unit of Chabad’s annual budget. Partnership levels range from annual gifts of $1,800 to $54,000, and gifts are recognized on the partnership wall at Chabad. To learn more, or to set up a meeting to see Chabad’s fiscal plan and budget, please contact Rabbi Levi Levertov at 512-584-1742, or by filling out this form.